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S-Moove® was born in 2017 from the pilot project SAmV®, which, since 2014, has been a flagship project of the PAeP Architecture and Design studio.

S-Moove focuses on a specific area: mobile fittings. A sector that represents the perfect synthesis of the reflections and experiments carried out by PAeP over the years.
We are Francesca and Massimo, we have dedicated years to architectural design, rationalizing needs and spaces, and designing original living solutions, never based on simply re-proposing existing models.
We are convinced that research and understanding of the deep needs of each of us can lead to creating always new, often unexpected forms and environments, truly in tune with our expectations.
With this approach, we have come to explore particularly interesting and complex areas: those of temporary housing and the fitting of small and very small spaces.

Small spaces are unforgiving, every missed opportunity is felt, and the smallest mistake affects the functionality of the entire system.
And as emblematic very small spaces, how can one not fall in love with the world of recreational vehicles? Campers, caravans, motorhomes... but also camping tents!

In this perspective, S-Moove develops as a project to revise the concept of a recreational vehicle. The issue is addressed by trying to trace the actual and diverse needs of those who travel with a certain set of spaces and services.
By working on needs, designing, building, and testing various solutions, we have created a system that is easy, fast, functional, and visually impactful, capable of equipping vehicles with the necessary spaces and elements for different travel needs.



Some reflections on the concept of living, on the idea of home


The sector in which we operate constantly requires us to reflect and question what we mean by "living," and this is essentially what we think.

The spaces and facilities present in a house are not such by a rule of nature; they are instead the result of choices, dictated by functional, economic, ideological needs, made in different eras and in various cultural and geographical contexts.

Often, when defining the spaces of a house and choosing the furniture, we rely on preordained solutions, almost as if they were truly unquestionable natural rules. And indeed, some are mandatory standards provided by municipal regulations, others are conventions, trends, to which we more or less consciously submit.

We do not believe we need a living room, a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom. Instead, we believe we need welcoming places to rest and relax, spacious and functional areas to cook, generous surfaces on which to work, comfortable beds, spaces, and equipment suitable for body cleaning and care...

And when considering possible solutions to create and set up living spaces, the sector of so-called recreational vehicles (campers, caravans...) is rich in points for reflection.

Being conceived as mobile homes, they tend to reproduce houses in miniature. And we wonder


"But why do they adopt spatial, material, and furniture solutions identical to domestic ones, even at the expense of actual functionality?"

"Is the need to recreate a semblance of home so strong that it prevents exploring other fitting systems?"

"Why, in already problematic and restricted spaces, is there not a demand for real functionality based on specific and changing travel needs?"

"Can the sense of hospitality, security, comfort, beauty not be given by forms, materials, geometries different from those we are used to having in houses?"